Hollywoodska hviezda a miláčik nadšencov filmového plátna, Johnny Depp prezlečený za postavu filmového kapitána Jacka Sparrowa, prekvapil návštevníkov Kalifornského Disneylandu. Johnny im dokázal vytvoriť doslova nezabudnuteľnú jazdu na atrakcii „Disney’s Pirates Of The Caribbean“.

Nič netušiaci návštevníci sa viezli na loďke, a vychutnávali si atrakciu, keď zrazu zbadali pred sebou skutočného Jacka Sparrowa. Niektorý tomu najskôr neverili že je to skutočne on, no po tom čo „spustil“ to bolo hneď všetkým jasné!


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It's not everyday that you come to Disneyland and see Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in the pirates attraction surprising fans and having their reactions recorded lol. ? Due to the popularity of this video and comments, we can't respond but We give our consent to repost with credit to those of you asking. ? To everyone else asking, this wasn't a known event. It was a surprise and yes Johnny Depp really did dress up as Captain Jack Sparrow and was talking to guests. They were filming boats interacting with him and we are thinking it's new promo for the new Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Men Tell No Tales film which is coming out May 26, 2017. This video was filmed Wednesday 4/26/17 °o° Thank you @evil_queen ❤️??? #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #POTC #DeadmanTellNoTales #JohnnyDepp #JackSparrow #CaptainJackSparrow #Pirates #Disney #DisneyParks #DisneyGram #Disneyland #DisneylandResort #DL #DLR #HappiestPlaceOnEarth #DisneySide #GetHappier #DisneylandAnnualPass #AnnualPass #AP #DisneylandCastMember #CastMember #CM #TheDisneylandTwins

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